Welcome to your virtual tutoring program!

Your school has scheduled you for high-quality tutoring to support your success! These sessions are led by a live, virtual educator and will focus on skills that can help you in class and beyond.

This Success Zone has answers to some FAQs so you can learn more, but there are no tasks for you to complete here. We recommend bookmarking this page and visiting as needed!

Student Success Zone

Call 800.447.5286

Targeted Skills Instruction


Your tutoring program is called Targeted Skills Instruction. You'll participate virtually and practice skills that will help you be successful in class. 

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Email: info@edmentum.com

Toll free: 800.447.5286

Getting Started

Log In

Your school will provide you with a schedule and can also answer any remaining questions.

We are excited to work with you and will see you soon!

You'll be learning with a small group of peers. Virtual educators will use curriculum such as Exact Path to design lessons specific to your skills!

Virtual educators will introduce and practice skills with you. They will also give you time to work on activities and assignments independently. 

What is this?

What will I work on?

I'm ready! How do I get started?

Does everyone learn the same thing?

When are my sessions?

Your school has customized a schedule for you! They will let you know the days and times you've been signed up for.

Student OrientationGuardian Orientation